
April POWerful Word – KINDNESS – Week 3

When we are kind to others, what does it do to our mood and our attitude? What does it do to other people’s mood and attitude? Do you think a lot of people do their share of kind acts or do you think people need to do more? We know that kindness takes very little time and makes everyone involved feel good, so let’s talk more about the benefits of kindness: (1) A student is getting frustrated in class because s/he feels like s/he can’t do anything right. What could you do or say? How might this impact that person and you? (2) You hear about a few families that can’t afford to buy their children any presents for birthdays or holidays. What can you do? How might that help? (3) A student is continually left out at school. What can you do or say? How might that impact that person and you? Why might someone NOT step in and help? We need to lead the way!

If you have time: What is one way that you have shown kindness that made YOU feel good too?