
February POWerful Word – LOYALTY – Week 2

We are faced with loyalty dilemmas throughout our life. So let’s concentrate and think through these situations and determine which choice is the right one: (1) You are a loyal friend but one friend keeps making promises to you and then breaks them. What would you do? What does breaking and keeping promises have to do with loyalty? (2) Someone is talking about your sibling behind his/her back. What would you do? What does gossiping or keeping secrets have to do with loyalty? (3) You notice someone is littering on school grounds everyday. They bring a snack for breakfast and then throw the wrappers on the ground outside of the school. What would you do? What does littering or keeping the school clean have to do with loyalty? When we are loyal, we are faithful and committed to our friends, family, school or cause. Are you loyal?

If you have time: What promise have you made to a person or place? Have you stayed loyal? Great!