
March POWerful Word – PERSISTENCE – Week 2

People stop showing persistence and quit before reaching their goals
for many reasons. What gets in the way of our persistence? (1) Fear: Think of the “scary” aspects of going after a goal. What might stop someone from trying again and again (i.e. fear of disappointing, failing, advancement, change)? Have you ever been scared when working on a goal– what scared you? What did you do about it? (2) Overwhelmed: Some people feel like quitting because they have so many things to do and they don’t think they can do them all. Have you felt overwhelmed before? When we have goals, we need to work on the most important things first. That’s called prioritizing. How do you know what to do first? (3) They don’t know that learning and success doesn’t happen in a straight line. We don’t always get better each time we practice! We have good days and bad days. We might try one method of practicing and studying and find it doesn’t work. We fail. We try again! The successful person knows you keep trying anyway.

If you have time: Share a time when you were scared while working on a goal. How did you overcome it?