
May POWerful Word – PATIENCE – Week 2

We are often taught to take turns– and taking turns takes patience, doesn’t it? When do you show patience when taking turns at home, in class, or somewhere out in the community (i.e. waiting for the cashier at the grocery store, waiting to talk to the teacher)? Think of a time when it was really hard to wait your turn. What did your body feel like when you were impatient (i.e. tight, warm, shaky)? What was going through your mind when you were impatient (i.e. what’s taking so long? This is so annoying!)? Why do we have to wait for our turn anyway– why can’t we just jump ahead of everyone if we really want to be first? What do people do when they are not being patient while waiting for their turn (i.e. complain, whine, tantrum)? When you are patient, even when it’s hard, it shows strong, powerful character. Are you powerful? Yes!

If you have time: Is it ever OK to jump in front of others when you are waiting? When? What would you say/do?