
November POWerful Word – SELF-ESTEEM – Week 1

Have you ever heard the term “self-esteem” before? When? Have you ever heard the word “confidence” before? What does it mean? When we have strong self-esteem, we are confident in who we are and what we can do. When we have poor self-esteem, what happens to our confidence in ourselves and what we can do?
It goes down. People who have strong self-esteem know that they are unique in some awesome ways. What are 3 things that you like about yourself? People who have strong self-esteem don’t need to “boast” or “brag” to make others feel bad about themselves in order to make themselves feel good. What do you think I mean by that? We don’t need to say “I’m BETTER than you.” Would that show good self-esteem? No! In fact- here’s the secret- when people feel the need to put others down in order to feel important, they typically have LOW self-esteem. When we have strong self-esteem, we are confident in ourselves and don’t have to make others feel bad!

If you have time: What’s something you are really proud of that you’ve done? When we are proud of who we are and something we have worked hard to do, we show good self-esteem!