
October Powerful Word – DILIGENCE – Week 3

This week, we’re talking about Dr. Robyn’s acronym, P.A.C.E. which means Prepare, Act, Continue/Commit and Evaluate. These components are important to diligence and achievement. Confucius once said; “The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.” When we prepare, act, commit/continue and evaluate, these are part of the tools to our success. As a leader, how can you help those who look to you for guidance to “sharpen these tools?” How do you think these components lead to success? This week, your Powerful Thought Assignment is to think through P.A.C.E. and see how you utilize these components on your own path to success. Is there any area you need to “sharpen?” What can you do to be more diligent and “P.A.C.E.” yourself?