Author: mr.herrman

Powerful Words Teens & Adults – Dependability W2

This week we’re talking about how our many roles as students, family members, leaders, and friends can sometimes compromise our ability to be dependable. We can stretch ourselves too thin. We can overpromise and underestimate how much time things will take. Can you relate? It…


Monday Miyagi 110909

This week’s Monday Miyagi is a preview to the Scientific American article written by Carol S. Dweck Professor of Psychology at Stanford University and the author of “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.” The entire SA article is available for $7.95 as a digital download…


Monday Miyagi 110209

My son will be one month old tomorrow. The last 4 weeks have been filled with new experiences and the joys and challenges of being a first-time parent. Mateo has dictated our schedule from the moment he arrived (or, more accurately, from the moment my…