
August POWerful Word – CHARITY – Week 1

What does it mean to “give to those who are in need” (i.e. some don’t have what they need to thrive/survive–give to those who don’t have)? Why do you think it is so important to give to others who are in need? To remember what you can give to charity, think of the 3 Ts– Treasure, Talents & Time. Let’s talk today about giving “treasures” or things that we think are valuable. Let’s think through what “treasures” we can give to charity. Go through your home in your mind! (1) When you think of clothes or shoes you love to wear, what do you treasure (i.e. favorite shirt, new shoes)? How can our clothes help those in need (i.e. give clothes we outgrow to those who don’t have enough)? (2) What are your favorite toys/games and how can we share them with charity? What other treasures in our homes can we give (i.e. blankets, paper goods)?

If you have time: As leaders, how can giving to others inspire others to give? Have you given to charity?