
November Powerful Word – GENEROSITY – Week 3

This week, we’re talking about sharing our talents with others as a way to help, inspire, raise money, entertain, or befriend others in need. Everyone has a talent– and many times these talents can be used to help others if you just think outside of the box. You may be great at performing and entertaining or you might be talented at working with animals, fixing bicycles, or building houses. You might be a great teacher, speaker or baker. You may even use your talents as a way of making a living. But your talents can be wasted if you don’t share them with others. What are you great at doing? Who of the people you know use their talents as a way to be generous to others? How can you use your talents as a way of being generous to others? This week your Powerful Thought Assignment is to come up with 3 ways that you can use your talents to better the world. Could any of these make a difference– how?