
April POWerful Word – GENEROSITY – Week 2

People say that one of the best things you can give to someone is your “time.” When we give our time to others, it shows them that you think they are important or what they are doing is important. Does that make sense to you? With whom do you like to spend your time? Think of your family. What’s one generous way that you can spend your time at home that would be helpful to someone else (i.e. unload dishwasher, read a book to a younger brother, walk the dog)? Now think of your friends. What’s one generous way that you can spend your time with friends (i.e. take care of their pet, help them fix something that broke)? Now think of our school. What’s a generous way that you can spend your time at school or here in class (i.e. clean up a mess, help someone with a skill)? What’s a generous way that you’ve spent your time recently? Great!

If you have time: What would be a generous way to spend your time if (1) Your friend was having trouble learning something in class, (2) A new person joined class, (3) Your friend broke her/his leg and is at home?