
February POWerful Word – FRIENDSHIP – Week 4

When you think of your friends, you may think of the many things you like to do together and what you have in common. What kinds of interests do you share with your friends? What are your similarities (i.e. appearance, love for dance, talent in sports)? Of course, there are also va lot of differences between friends. In fact, what makes our friends so special and unique ARE those differences. What do you admire or find interesting about one of your friends (i.e. beautiful voice, smart, makes me laugh, amazing athlete)? Sometimes we don’t remember to do it, but it’s important to show gratitude for our friends. When we say “thank you” to our friends, it makes them feel good and let’s them know we appreciate them. It tells them that you see them for their strengths and see greatness in them! Finish this sentence: “I am grateful for _____ because s/he _________.” Now, how about– “One strength I admire in my friend is _____.” Good!

If you have time: How do you cheer on your friends when they are showing their talent (i.e. watch recital/game, celebrate with them)? How do they support you?