
May POWerful Word – PATIENCE – Week 1

What does the word “patience” mean to you? What makes being patient and waiting without complaining difficult to do? Please tell us one way that you show patience (1) AT HOME (i.e. Wait for my brother to put on his shoes, wait for dinner, wait for help with my homework). Why is it so important to be patient at home? What might happen if you didn’t show patience at home? AT SCHOOL (i.e. raise my hand, explain math to my friend). Why is it so important to be patient at school (i.e. everyone gets a chance to learn)? What would happen if you didn’t show patience at school (i.e. unfair, distracting)? HERE IN CLASS. Why is it important to be patient in class (i.e. safety, fair)? What might happen if you didn’t show patience at class (i.e. someone get hurt)? Patience means waiting without complaining for something you want or need!

If you have time: How do you feel around people who are not patient? Why do you think people aren’t patient?