
November Powerful Word – GENEROSITY – Week 4

This week we’re talking about gratitude and generosity. These character terms often go hand in hand. One the one hand, we show thanks for other people’s generosity (and we are generous with our gratitude!) On the other hand, we are thankful for our own ability to give to others. As Dr. Robyn Silverman has said: “People of character are not only grateful for the generosity they are given but that they have the ability to be generous themselves.” How have you been able to give and how has it impacted you? Who has been generous in your life and deserves your gratitude? When was a time when you were thanked generously for sharing your time, talent, or treasures? This week, your Powerful Thought Assignment is to consider a specific person who has truly been generous with you. How can you thank them generously for how they’ve helped?