
Ms. Katy Kicks off Northwest Harvest Summer Food Drive on King 5

Miss Katy, one of our new Junior Black Belts collected 160 pounds of food for the Northwest Harvest food drive for her Black Belt community service project and was featured on King 5 News!! Check out the link for a short clip of Katy at the Summer Food Drive kick off.

Miss Katy has met Shelley Rotondo, the Executive Director of Northwest Harvest 4 or more times over the years. She made bracelets when she was in kindergarten and sold them and gave $600 to Northwest Harvest which they used to buy baby formula. She has also requested food for Northwest Harvest in lieu of birthday presents some years.

Miss Rotando asked if Katy could make her Black Belt donation part of King 5’s “School’s Out” Summer Food Drive for Northwest Harvest in recognition of school meal programs not being available to kids in the summer. She also asked if they could highlight Katy for her contributions over the years – as a kid helping other kids.

Way to go Miss Katy! We are super proud of you!! You are setting a great example for our future Junior Black Belts and for kids everywhere.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead-